Dream Interpretations
August, 2003 Dear Tracey, |
7th-Connection with the Divine). This nourishment is available to you
right now, Rudy! Lucky you...soak it up! Tracey Dear Tracey, I have had several dreams where I have sex with my husbands brother. I haver never ever been attracted to him. I don't get it! Lucy Lucy, It's not as weird as you think it is! Your unconsious works in wonderfully mysterious ways. You must remember that every person in your dream is an aspect of yourself. Think about your husbands brother...what are his main character traits? Just off the top of your head, write them down. Now.... ask yourself if you have those same qualities? The traits that you see in your husbands brother just may be a reflection of the exact same traits within yourself that you are not very proud of. These aspects of yourself need a little lovin'! It is that simple. Good feeling sex dreams are a way for your subconscious to send you some good self-love feelings. Gotta love those sex dreams! Tracey, You were so on target for me. He does have traits that are like me! Matter of fact people have said that we are very alike (stubborn). I finally accepted this and worked on it. You were right! Thanks for the insight... you are so good! Lucy |
July, 2003 Tracey, |
I suggest that
you do some writing on this subject. Write down each man's name and
follow the fishing-line of pain/emotional upset/lack of confidence (whatever
it may be!) down to the root of the problem. Write it all down. Brainstorm.
Once you have done that, your conscious self will become fully aware
of what your subconscious self already knows! By bringing your past
emotional ties and upsets to the surface of your consciousness, they
can be let go. |
June, 2003 Dear Tracey, |
with distinct cancer symbolism (rust, rats, worms) in them, I wouldn't
worry about this dream. Dreaming of a 'growth' somewhere on your body
means that your Soul wants to
Grow!! Growth can be scary (you were afraid, in your dream)....because
you may outgrow certain relationships, your job and other stable structures
in your life. That the growth was in your breast, close to your heart
could mean that there is a new unconditional love growing within you.
The breast is very nurturing, loving, nourishing...this inner growth will
feed your soul! Oooooh, I just checked your natal chart and I found the culprit....Jupiter! Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion...and he happens to be activating both your Sun and Neptune, right now! Coincidence? I think not! Jupiter is urging you to expand your sense of Self, your philosophy, to integrate new foreign ideas into your world view, to expand the deep spirituality that comes naturally to you. This is wonderful, Nicole! This period of amazing spiritual and philosophical growth started in August 2002 and lasts until August 2004...but the most intense period of growth (as shown to you in your dream!) takes place in July and August of 2003. You don't need to know astrology to interpret your dreams, but the planetary energies sure back it all up and validate what your subconscious is already in touch with, naturally! Don't be afraid, Nicole...just expand your heart and grow...you just may notice that others will grow with you! Tracey |
May, 2003 Dear Tracey, |
It's all One. YOU are all one! The free-flowing birds coming in through
the large doorway are symbolic of your thoughts, ideals and ideas. In
this simple pure state of your soul, there is no conflict in your mind.
Just freedom! If you have just been through a challenging period in your
life, this dream is verrrry healing. Dissolving all conflict. Setting
your mind at ease. So you're cleaning out the barn? Excellent! You are
cleansing yourself on a deep level and making a fresh start. Those long-necked
bottles in different colors are fascinating. These colored 'vessels' mark
the beginning of a huge transformation! Long-necked bottles were used
in alchemy to transform 'baser matter' into Gold. That you had multi-coloured
bottles in your dream indicates to me that the whole 'spectrum' of your
being is about to go through a Transformation! The east side of the barn
was open. The east represents beginnings. This dream is showing you that you are being intitiated into a new phase of your life. You end up standing on the edge of the Universe, unafraid. This is breathtakingly wonderful! This is your True Self! Communing with the collective unconscious...being a part of the Oneness of it all! Mmmmm! You are VERY connected to the other-world, Otaku, and it's beautiful that you are allowing all that vital energy to flow through you. Enjoy the days ahead and recall the feeling of this dream as you gently transform... Tracey |
April, 2003 Dear Tracey, |
Tracey! Yes, you're right on with all that you said. Whenever I have tried to tell her anything about how she makes me feel, she won't validate my feelings and will turn it around on me. Talking with her about things just seems like a waste of time. Thanks for your input! Tracey, I had a dream that I buried three beautiful white eggs in soil in a terra cotta pot. What do you think this means? Laura Laura, Ooooooh this is a wonderfully spiritual dream, Laura! It shows that you are ready to commit to nourishing the three aspects of your self: Mind, Body and Spirit...so that they may become One and Whole. The seed has been sown and you are in a gestation period now. Nourish and balance the three aspects of yourself and await the birth of the next phase of your life with calm expectancy. |
March, 2003 |
I looked up your natal chart and, sure enough, I see that you can't shut that mind of yours off! There is an indication in your chart that you can relax your mind by being near water; gazing out over the ocean, swimming in lakes, rivers, oceans, having baths, even doing the dishes....as long as it's done in solitude, will cleanse the anxiety from your mind and replenish your soul. Let your thoughts go and do some simple daydreaming. Find a style of meditation that resonates with you. These recurring dreams are urging you to deal with the anxiety that youre creating out of thin air. Change your thoughts, change your dreams and change your life, Megan! Warmly, Tracey |
February, 2003 Dear Tracey, |
you are describing sound like something I experienced myself, a few years
ago. Im a Sagittarius too, so I know what youre talking about.
You are simply going through the most important transformation of your
life! I know...that sounds dramatic, doesnt it? You have Pluto sitting
atop your Sagittarius Sun. Plutos energy can feel very dark to perennially
optimistic Sagittarians. What is happening is that Pluto is encouraging
(some would say demanding!) you to let go of the old you (the Self you
always thought you were) in order to allow the birth of a fresh, new renovated
you. It can feel quite strange...this whole Death/ Rebirth thing, if its
a concept that youre not familiar with. Did these dreams and panic
attacks start in January 2003? My advice would be to go with the snake-shedding-its-skin
imagery. Trust that the new you will emerge slowly but surely...and you
will be more powerful and beautiful than you can imagine.The transformation
process gets easier the longer youre in it so, by the end of this
transit at the end of 2004 you will be surprised and delighted in the
changes in yourself. We Sagittarians are a bit of a hard-sell on this
transformation stuff because we tend to be pretty happy with ourselves!
(arent we awful!?) But, we too, can improve! And improve you will! Tracey |