The Greater Spiralling Mayan Consciousness Cycles


Cellular cycle - beginning 16.4 billion years ago, developed the consciousness of Action/Reaction.

Mammalian cycle - beginning 820 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Stimulus/Response.

Familial cycle - beginning 41 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Stimulus/Individual Response.

Tribal cycle - beginning 2 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Similarities/Differences.

Cultural cycle - beginning 102,000 years ago, developed the consciousness of Reasons.

National cycle - beginning in the year 3115 B.C., developed the consciousness of Law.

Planetary cycle - beginning in the year 1755 A.D., developed the consciousness of Power.

Galactic cycle - beginning January 5, 1999, developed the consciousness of Ethics.

Universal cycle - beginning February 10, 2011 until December 12, 2012, developing the unlimited ability of Conscious Co-Creation.

This 'last' Universal cycle doesn't even last a year...
The evolution of consciousness is speeding up, spiralling ever tighter and ever faster just like the fibonacci spiral!

What next? Will we blast on through to a brand new cycle of consciousoness at a higher level? Perhaps! All I know is that we are developing unlimited ability to Consciously Co-Create the world we live in. I really feel it. It's time to turn this ability on full blast!

The above information is elaborated on here in an article by Ian Xel Lundgold


My musings....

The first consciousness shift I experienced was the shift from Planetary to Galactic on January 5th, 1999. I had nooooo idea that this shift was talked about in some circles at that time - I was totally oblivious to it, which makes the shift all the more interesting to me! I was quite floored when I read, for the first time, that the beginning of 1999 marked a radical conscious shift because, indeed, my consciousness did shift, big time!!

Although a watcher of my dreams and definitely on my own path for all my life I had my first huge awakening and consciousness shift in December, 1998 - I still remember it very clearly. For me this time in my life has always been the big marker representing a big shift within myself.

What had happened was...for my 32nd birthday I went to a western astrologer. I'd never gone to an astrologer, tarot card reader or psychic, ever in my whole life...but a fellow-waitress said she went to this amazing astrologer and that it was mind-blowing so I thought: What the hell - it might be interesting...! And it sure was! I couldn't believe the reading. He knew exactly who I was and he even knew things about my parents which, to me, was just could he possibly know when my parents split up? Or how they got along? How is that possible? "The Implications, The Implications!," I kept thinking when I left his office. If my parents are in my chart then...then...Time wasn't the Time we think it head was in a fact...when I left his office I felt as though the top of my head had been sliced open and flipped up and the Universe was streaming in with all these new ideas and...MAGIC. It was the discovery that the Universe and Life itself was way more interesting than I'd been previously led to believe that made it all soooo magical! It was what I'd really been searching for, and knew instinctively to exist, my whole life....I took Philosophy at University (mid 80's) because I just knew that there was more than meets the eye in this life of ours. Naively, I thought that I'd be asked questions! I felt like I had a universe of answers inside me.....but, I soon found out that Philosophy at University wasn't about that. It really was about learning what all those old philosophers thought and understanding why they thought it. Ugh. It was actually one of the very first (known) Greek philosophers that I found I resonated with the most (I didn't use the word 'resonate' back then - heh heh). He said that ALL things were filled with consciousness and vitality...and that if a rock rolled down a hill it was because it wanted to get somewhere. Of course at the same time that I was thinking: "YES, finally something that feels right!!!", the whole class burst into laughter. Derisive laughter. Oh well. The rest was down hill. It's surprising how little those philosophers talked about consciousness at all! Sheesh! (later I liked Nietzsche and Sartre and Camus but....they were still lacking magic!)

But....I think I ramble!

So that was my big shift right on time with the Galactic cycle! From that point on I taught myself western astrology, got more into my dreams, met my guides and dream-teachers, discovered some books that contained the Life-Is-Magic philosophy I knew existed (Seth & Bartholomew in particular), discovered Mayan/Dreamspell astrology...and the discoveries haven't stopped...

I noticed, too, especially in 2000 that many many people shifted their old belief systems from either nothing or religious to simply open and/or spiritual. Even the older generation who may have been connected to a rigid religion were looking at it with fresh eyes and discarding it. Quite amazing! Consciousness shift and opening, indeed!

I'm not sure why this cycle is called the Consciousness of Ethics, though....for me it should have simply been Consciousness of Awakened Awareness! Perhaps you awakened during the Galactic Cycle too!?

Now what about the latest shift from the Galactic Cycle to the Universal Cycle that happened on February 10, 2011? Wellll, I reeeeally felt the whole Co-Creation vibe in a big way at the very beginning of 2010 when the '10' symbolism implied something brand brand new and when January 1, 2010, New Years Day, fell on Blue Resonant Night, which is all about being Conscious Co-Creators. I wrote about it here. It was at the beginning of 2010 that my friend and I started synthesizing the dreamspell energies, western astrology energies and the Lunar Cycles to create really intense Ceremonies of intention - totally in sync with the natural earth and planetary energies! Sooooo, you know, a date is just a date - one can feel it earlier or later. Nothing is exact.

What is important is that you are recognizing that you are included in all of this, you're a part of this vibrating, evolving, dynamic, creative energy that is forever moving and shifting, growing and expressing! You're simply being called to Participate in your Life! Yesssssssss....actively participate, co-create it....and co-create the world around you. It is an exciting time to be alive!


PS: those links for Seth and Bartholomew link to an AMAZING site that has copied out many of their quotes and exercises. I've linked to the exercise page of just one of their books, each. After checking it out you may want to get their books! Totally inspiring.


The Brain and the Universe photo at the top of the page are verrrrry interesting. Here is what is said about them:

One is only Micrometers wide. The other is billions of light years across. One shows neurons in a mouse brain. The other is a simulated image of the Universe. Together they suggest the surprisingly similar patterns found in vastly different natural phenomenon. David Constantine